Thursday, October 6, 2011

BAD Typography VS. GOOD Typography

For this weeks assignment the objective was to find examples of good and bad typography in the world around us and to also try to correct the bad typography. I will first start by showing the bad typography but before I do so I wanted to state that I do not personally believe it was bad typography because it seemed bad typography was hard to find, I felt this typography could be different and better for the consumer and I tried by best to correct it.
The first image was:
This is a part of the Uniqlo add on the subway shuttle to forty second street. The reason why I picked this for an example of bad typography was mostly because I felt the words could have been placed differently and more evenly. I noticed that there were two boxes and within the two boxes an even number of characters to each box. Then seeing the words Made For All in small type was just uneven in the picture and the words were so small. I felt the typography was too modest and I cold be a little more balanced so i created my version which is:

In my rendition I wanted the words to stand out and kind of give that even balance and be less modest I felt like the type could do the logo more justice.

The second picture I found was in the Hunter College it was a pretty cool flyer that was talking about earth and its environmental issues as seen by the indigenous people

I thought the concept of the flyer was great but I think by looking at it there was nothing that draws your attention to the problem the flyer is trying to describe. The type had a great color scheme but the type itself was so small that it was hard to read and I almost didnt want to keep reading because it didnt grab by attention. There was a lot of open space for text and I felt it could have been utilized a little better.
This was my rendition:

I tried my best to make the text really grab the readers attention by keeping the color scheme but also making the text big enough and placed properly as to not conflict with the main figure in the underlying picture.
The next picture I found in a magazine and I thought the typogrpahy was a little funny.

Since I could not edit the text out of the Picture properly I put my rendition of wha the text should be next to it. Since the ad is bassically trying to promote the artist NeYo I felt the ad needed to have all of it components even the type to be hyping up the artist. I felt that the add did not do so by putting the artist's name in all lower cases and then the featured artists in upper case. I felt the type was backwards the artists name is the one who needs the upper case and the the attention. In my version of what the type shuld be NeYo and hsi song are upper case and I took the caps lock off of the featured artists bringing less attention to them and more to NeYo as it should be.
This is the fourth image I found.

I actually loved the concept of the typography in this flyer that I found right outside the class room I just felt that the color of the typography did it no justice. There is a lot of white in the background and I felt it should have been contrasted a little better. The words itself were great and the concept of the word correlating with the graphic was good as well it stands out except or the color watering it down.
This was my rendition:

This is my rendition I felt as if the orange coloring to the typography was more appropriate because it goes with the color scheme and it also stands out enough that its not confusing to the viewers eye.
This is the fifth typography that I found. This one I honestly feel is poor typography

I feel this was poor typography for many reasons primarily because every single word in this add is slanted. The words I felt are not big enough for them to be slanted it actually causes the viewer to actually have to stop and really focus and marketability wise I felt it would loose attention quickly. I also wasn't in favor of the color scheme and the proportions of the words to the space of the ad.
This was my rendition:
This is my rendition of a better typography for that add. If i had maybe pictures of students or the school logo the background and the scheme of colors would have been changed to better fit the views needs along with the proportions of the words to objects in the picture but this is my general idea of some type of typography that would look better then the previous.


This is my first example of good typography. I felt that the Typography in this flyer was great. I felt like all of the words in this flyer were very proportional and drew enough attention to not be tacky. I felt that the typography also being scripted was appropriate it gave me a somewhat girly feel which I believe was the purpose of the of the flyer I also like that the words are slanted in this but not to the point of being unrecognizable. I also felt like the change of fonts kept the flyer diverse.

I thought this was also a good form of typography. The colors of the words match well with the scheme and also stood out very well. The font was also very modest and played very well into the graphics of the film. I also like how the words did not draw all the attention away from the graphics.
I like this one two because I felt it was a fun add and the typography was fun to look at. The colors stood out and featured our school colors. This too was also a simple modest text but I feel like it served it purpose. The poster was just advertising coffee not big concert or something that needed a lot of dynamics it kept it simple and two the point it was also good because the type was spread out and utilized the space properly.
I picked these next two because I liked the scaling in fonts and the change of color to signify the importance of the message. This fist image I liked how the kept the same font and was stacked aligning on top of each other. I like the caps of the type giving it an urgent feel of an important message but the cool tones of the font not making it too urgent. I felt like the font did its job properly along with the second picture. I really enjoyed that the second picture the geography was made bigger and was the only word centralized along with having its color changed to green to signify earth tone. I felt like it drew attention by doing so and the additional words were aligned properly along with having the right offsetting color.

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